Monday, January 24, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
reseach and sketching

Sunday, January 16, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
1 (obsolete) shelter, protection
2 something that covers, screens, or guards
3 burial garment
4 a: one of the ropes leading usually in pairs from a ship's mastheads to give lateral support to the masts
b: one of the cords that suspend the harness of a parachute from the canopy
Saturday, January 8, 2011
This proposed project will consist of 100 photographs printed through traditional black and white processing techniques. The use of light in printing seems crucial to the content of this project - light shining down from space onto babies being born. Each photograph document the given participant's hands on a black background with a representation of her/his astrological star map drawn on them. The photographs will be 12" x 12" each. Each participants will be demarcated only through the Universal Time of her/his birth and latitude/longitude of her/his birth place. As a working title I'm calling this The Stars We're Born Under - which is very related to the few earlier pieces that use the name of The Stars I was Born Under [1] [2].
Some things I've been considering are : romance in telling who you are - what you're born with - the individuality of each of our finger/palm prints - hand signs as a way of communicating something about you - what is passed to you from the cosmos.

UICA : Beacons
January 14–February 13
Opening Reception: January 14, 6–9 PM
Winter in West Michigan is a season of shortened days, grey skies and long, dark nights. This exhibition embraces winter's darkness and showcases the light that artists can bring to bear upon this often bleak time of year. Featuring over 30 artists, Beacons’ luminous artwork showcases film and video projections, light installations, sound installations, images and objects.
Artists include: Michelle Acuff, Dave Beck, Benjamin Bellas, Collin Bradford, Tiffany Carbonneau, Kia Carscallen, Hunter Cole, Annica Cuppetelli, Yi Joanna Dai, Mary Rachel Fanning, Adam Farcus, Tannaz Farsi, Laura Foster, Mahlon Huston, Louise Kames, Marina Kelly, Geoffrey Krawczyk, Richard Krueger, Robin Mandel, Evan Mann, Cristobal Mendoza, Daniel Olsen, Brian Peters, Nicole Pietrantoni, Randy Polumbo, Meghan Reynard, Alex Schlegel, Michael Sirianni, Ben Skinner, Scott Stibich, Annie Strader, Briana Trudell, Renee van der Stelt, and Jessica Westbrook.

Monday, January 3, 2011
Olympic National Park, WA
Rock|atoms of water|fir trunk,
pitched out as upside-down cigarette smoke.
(faces appear,
fortune tellers tell)
Then the buck of a
sheer lichened press
creates a white silk sheet.
Now sliding from the bed, splashes
down into the Coke-bottle mirror below.