on my last morning at ACRE i decided to execute this project that i've been considering since the beginning of the residency. i made 10 markers and set out into the woods and cow pastures south of Bob and Rosa's farm; with a map and maul in tow. the form was taken from the utilitarian (property?) markers that i've seen around Joliet, IL. i placed these markers at points that i deemed spiritual - such a between 2 apple trees that i ate from, next to a found hawk feather, in a clearing with light in a dark part of some over-growth, inside a foundation of a long gone house, and at the end of a valley. the plan was to imbue this land with some mystical powers. i ended up getting very lost, and didn't know it till i reached a pond that was much farther East on the map from where i thought i was. at that point i was dehydrated (i forgot my water) and tired from hiking through dense overgrowth and from carrying the markers and the maul. i found a road and hitch-hiked back to the lodge. i was 2 or 3 miles of walking in the sun away from home and water. i was only able to place 6 markers.