Saturday, February 25, 2012


The Anatomy Lesson is so famously overexposed, so crusted over with conventional regard, as to be almost impossible to see afresh. And indeed, when I recently came upon the painting once again, rather than seeing it I found myself recalling an essay I hadn't thought about in almost thirty years -- the English critic John Berger's 1967 rumination on the occasion of Che Guevara's death. Responding to the simultaneous appearance seemingly all over the world of that ghastly photo of Che's felled body, stretched out half naked across a bare surface and surrounded by the proud Bolivian officers and soldiers who had succeeded in bagging the revolutionary leader, Berger made a startling connection to Rembrandt's Anatomy Lesson.
- from An Anatomy Lesson: Looking at Rembrandt between sessions of the Yugoslav war-crimes tribunal in The Hague, by Lawrence Weschler, 1997.
Borrowing the sentiments of Berger and Weschler, the following images demonstrate a visual continuation of aesthetic qualities. The list/collection was created by going to Google image search, punching my keyboard ("gdfsw" was generated), and hitting search. I then took one image and entered that into Google's new "search by image" function. I did this for each consecutive image. The result is a lineage of image searches that, initially, would seem like they are only formally related. As I see it, the interesting part of this exercise is the relationships and juxtapositions that occur.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

convergence: google meets Weschler

i took this image and put it into the new google "search by images" function

then i selected "visually similar images" and got this selection of images (this is only the 1st page and 1/2):

(Weschler's Convergence)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

mca and feminist theory

i learned the following things about giving tours to students at the MCA during my training for the "This will have been: Art, Love, & Politics in the 80's". it is important to note that about 1/2 of our tour/training consisted of a discussion around how this show reflects feminist issues - i.e., that gender is not in-born and the "male gaze." also, each gallery is 'themed' - one of the themes is Gender Trouble - after Judith Butler's book.

- bringing your tour group to or past naked women is ok
- bringing your tour group to or past a naked man is not allowed
- bringing your tour group past an image of a lynch black man must be done with caution
- these directions seem to be dictated from top-down  ("a long standing point of contention [at the MCA]")

Jimmie Durham - Self Portrait (mixed media) 1986 [not ok]

Robert Mapplethorpe - Man in Polyester Suit (gelatin silver print) c. 1980 [not ok]

Robert Colescott - At the Bathers Pool (Venus is still Venus) (acrylic on canvas) 1985 [ok]

Martin Kippenberger - Put your freedom in the corner, save it for a rainy day (wood, ceramic, Robert Gober wallpaper) 1990 [touchy]

*Subsequently, half of this exhibition will not be accessible on artist-lead tours.

misshapen sun

Fairfield Porter - Sun on Rough Sea (oil on canvas) 1972

Awoke to streaming rain from a dream, a vision, like a late painting
     of Fairfield's, one of the ones of a misshapen
Sun burning through mist over a sliding morning sea? There is
     only one sky: a pewter plate, easily bent
-from The Morning of the Poem, by James Schuyler

Monday, February 13, 2012

from "I Completed the Following Requirements"

On October 15, 1994 I recorded my best in the following tests:
Pushups: 20                        Pullups: 1
Situps: 20                             Standing long jump: 4ft. 0in.
Run/walk 500 yards: 2:10

In October 1994 I presented myself to my leader, properly dressed, before going on an overnight camping trip. I presented the camping gear that I was going to use. I demonstrated the right way to pack and carry this gear.

In October 1994 I spent at least 1 night on a patrol or troop campout. I slept in a tent that I helped pitch on a ground bed that I prepared.

On November 14, 1994 I demonstrated how to display, raise, lower, and fold the American flag.

On November 14, 1994 I explained why we use the buddy system in Scouting.

On November 15, 1994 I demonstrated improvement in the activities listed above after practicing for 30 days. I recorded my best in the following tests:
Pushups: 28                        Pullups: 2
Situps: 30                             Standing long jump: 4ft. 4in.
Run/walk 500 yards: 2:01

On November 15, 1994 I demonstrated the Heimlich maneuver and told when it is used.

In November 1994 I demonstrated how to whip and fuse the ends of a rope.

In November 1994 I repeated from memory and explained in my own words the Scout Oath, Law, motto, and slogan.

In November 1994 I knew my patrol name, gave the patrol yell, and described my patrol flag.

On July 7, 1995 I demonstrated tying two half hitches and a tautline hitch by using these knots to pitch a tent.

On July 7, 1995 I demonstrated the rules of safe hiking, both on the highway and cross-country, during the day and at night. I explained what to do if I were lost.

On August 15, 1995 I identified local poisonous plants; and told how to treat for exposure to them.

On August 15, 1995 I displayed first aid for the following:
·         Simple cuts and scratches
·         Blisters on the hand and foot
·         Minor burns and scalds
·         Bites and stings of insects and ticks
·         Poisonous snakebite
·         Nosebleed

On August 15, 1995 I participated in a Scoutmaster conference.

On September 15, 1995 I completed my board of review for the rank of Tenderfoot.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Fun, Finally, Pt. 3

Wilfredo Prieto - Miren el tamaño de este mango (Look at the size of this mango) (mango, rubber band, and Blackberry) 2011

Scott Reeder - Symmetrical Pirate (acrylic on canvas) 1998

David Shrigley - Cat with No Head (taxedermy) 2006

Zofia Kulik (as KwieKulik) - from Activities with Dobromierz, 1972-74

Elad Lassry - Raccoon B (c-print, painted frame) 2010

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

busy bunny

my week is packed and i'm running around every day - more than once today i thought it was monday - plus i had zombie dreams all night, not normal ones though. the kind where zombies are elsewhere and i and a bunch of others are living in dark and decrepit buildings, eating food and wondering when it will run out.

so i need a bunny

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